La Redazione di State of Mind consiglia la lettura di questo contenuto:
Uno studio di Psicologia Ambientale della Newcastle University ha indagato gli effetti della permanenza (anche minima, 45 minuti) di 50 volontari in un quartiere ad alto tasso di criminalità.
E’ bastato un breve tempo per sviluppare un grado di paura e paranoia paragonabile a quello dei residenti.
“We weren’t surprised that the residents of our high-crime neighbourhood were relatively low in trust and high in paranoia”, says lead researcher Professor Daniel Nettle of the Institute of Neuroscience at Newcastle University. “That makes sense. What did surprise us though was that a very short visit to the neighbourhood appeared to have much the same effects on trust and paranoia as long-term residence there.”
The results suggest that people respond in real time to the sights and sounds of a neighbourhood – for example, broken windows, graffiti and litter – and that they use these cues to update their attitudes concerning how other people will behave.
The psychological effects of the environment – Press Office – Newcastle UniversityConsigliato dalla Redazione