La Redazione di State of Mind consiglia la lettura di questo contenuto:
Una ricerca dell’Università di Oxford condotta dal Prof. Robin Dunbar sul significato antropologico e sociale del bacio.
‘Mate choice and courtship in humans is complex,’ said Professor Robin Dunbar. ‘It involves a series of periods of assessments where people ask themselves “shall I carry on deeper into this relationship?” Initial attraction may include facial, body and social cues. Then assessments become more and more intimate as we go deeper into the courtship stages, and this is where kissing comes in.’
To understand more, Rafael Wlodarski and Professor Robin Dunbar set up an online questionnaire in which over 900 adults answered questions about the importance of kissing in both short-term and long-term relationships.
Rafael Wlodarski explained: ‘There are three main theories about the role that kissing plays in sexual relationships: that it somehow helps assess the genetic quality of potential mates; that it is used to increase arousal (to initiate sex for example); and that it is useful in keeping relationships together. We wanted to see which of these theories held up under closer scrutiny
Kissing helps us find the right partner – and keep them – University of OxfordConsigliato dalla Redazione
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