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Il sondaggio annuale Stress in America™ svolto dalla American Psychological Association (APA) ha spostato quest’anno il focus dell’attenzione sullo stress negli adolescenti.
dai risultati della ricerca 2013, emerge chiaramente come il livello di stress percepito dagli adolescenti americani sia superiore a quello che è considerato da loro stessi come una “soglia salutare di stress”. Risposte e strategie di coping sembrano insufficienti e si delinea un quadro in cui i comportamenti disfunzionali di adattamento a situazioni di stress si instaurino già durante l’adolescenza e non solo nell’età adulta.
Despite our understanding that stress takes a toll on our physical and mental health, this year’s Stress in America™ survey reveals a portrait of American stress that is high and often managed in ineffective ways, ultimately affecting our health and well-being.
But the most concerning news is not what’s happening to adults.
Survey findings suggest that the patterns of unhealthy stress behaviors we see in adults may begin developing earlier in our lives. Many American teens report experiencing stress at unhealthy levels, appear uncertain in their stress management techniques and experience symptoms of stress in numbers that mirror adults’ experiences.1 These findings are especially sobering when paired with research that suggests physical activity, nutrition and lifestyle — all wellness factors the survey revealed to be affected by stress in teens and adults — not only contribute to adolescents’ health now, but also to habits that can be sustained into adulthood.2
Are Teens Adopting Adults’ Stress Habits?Consigliato dalla Redazione
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