La Redazione di State of Mind consiglia la lettura di questo contenuto:
Uno studio condotto da Valerie Reyna, docente in Human Development and Psychology presso la Cornell University ha indagato il decision making degli agenti segreti paragonato a quello di persone “normali”.
In differenti scenari (teorici nel contesto dell’esperimento) le decisioni degli agenti si sono mostrate spesso più irrazionali e compromesse da bias e credenze di vario tipo.
“With increasing age and experience, people are less likely to engage in literal, quantitative analysis and more likely to use simple qualitative meaning or gist when making decisions,” said Valerie Reyna, professor of human development in Cornell’s College of Human Ecology, and lead author of the study. “While the growth of experience-based intuition can enhance performance, it also has predictable pitfalls.”
For the study, 36 agents from a federal intelligence agency, 63 college students and 54 adults were presented with scenarios involving risk and asked to make choices – the options were systematically varied to omit information or emphasize gain or loss, while leaving the literal meaning the same.
Agents like Snowden prone to irrational decision making, study findsConsigliato dalla Redazione
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