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Behavioral Inhibition and Child Anxiety

A series of articles by Jeffrey Pella Ph.D. on the relationship between Behavioral Inhibition and Child Anxiety. The latest studies in Psychology Research.

Aggiornato il 04 Mag. 2012

A series of articles by Jeffrey Pella.  

Behavioral Inhibition and Child Anxiety - Immagine: © dannywilde - Fotolia.com - Anteprima
Behavioral Inhibition and Child Anxiety
Behavioral inhibition is defined as a trait characterized by shy, withdrawn, uneasy, vigilant, and restrained behavior.
Behavioral Inhibition and Child Anxiety #2. - Immagine: © laurent hamels - Fotolia.com - Anteprima
Behavioral Inhibition and Child Anxiety #2
Infants classified with behavioral inhibition continue to exhibit anxious and reserved behavior throughout childhood and into adolescence.
Behavioral Inhibition and Child Anxiety #3 Retrospective Studies. - Immagine: © Robert Kneschke - Fotolia.com
Behavioral Inhibition and Child Anxiety #3 Retrospective Studies
Features of Behavioral Inhibition mirror the symptoms of social anxiety and the relationship between the two has been examined empirically.
Behavioral Inhibition and Child Anxiety #4 - Immagine: © kyoko - Fotolia.com
Behavioral Inhibition and Child Anxiety #4
Research has shown that psychosocial factors generally associated with anxiety are not associated with Behavioral Inhibition.
Behavioral Inhibition and Child Anxiety #5 . - Immagine: © Leda_d - Fotolia.com
Behavioral Inhibition and Child Anxiety #5
After discussing background, retrospective, cross-sectional and longitudinal studies of behavioral inhibition, let's summarize the findings.
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