Considerazioni cliniche sull’utilizzo in terapia delle tecniche di video feedback. Di Piergiuseppe Vinai.
Children who have limited understanding of emotion are more likely to demonstrate behaviour problems and lack social competence.
Use of a control group to verify the effectiveness of video feedback therapy in training mothers how to better interact with their children.
Since video feedback training has been shown to improve mothers’ sensitivity towards their children, research has examined the effect of training mothers to use emotion-rich conversation style with their children.
Stein et al. (2006) examined the effect of video feedback on the quality of interactions and maternal autonomy promotion in dyads in which mothers had an eating disorder. Mothers and their children were videotaped during a meal-time interaction when the child was between four to six months and again at 13 months of age.
Video-feedback therapy effectively alters the distorted cognitions of individuals in various populations. While this form of therapy is used in attachment based therapy with children, it is also used to increase parental sensitivity in populations with adopted children. There is evidence that the communication of adopted children within their adopting families is different from that of non-adopted children