Happy Birthday, Dr. Aaron Beck!
Aaron Beck, padre insieme ad Albert Ellis, della Psicoterapia Cognitiva ha compiuto venerdì scorso 93 anni.
Ecco alcune foto dei festeggiamenti per il suo compleanno presso l’istituto A.T. Beck. e l’abstract dell’ultimo articolo pubblicato.
Participants of our CBT for PTSD Workshop last week, July 14-16, 2014, helped Dr. Beck celebrate with cupcakes and singing. |
Dr. Aaron Beck with Dr. Judith Beck, as participants sing Happy Birthday.
Advances in Cognitive Theory and Therapy:
The Generic Cognitive Model
For over 50 years, Beck’s cognitive model has provided an evidence-based way to conceptualize and treat psychological disorders. The generic cognitive model represents a set of common principles that can be applied across the spectrum of psychological disorders. The updated theoretical model provides a framework for addressing significant questions regarding the phenomenology of disorders not explained in previous iterations of the original model. New additions to the theory include continuity of adaptive and maladaptive function, dual information processing, energizing of schemas, and attentional focus. The model includes a theory of modes, an organization of schemas relevant to expectancies, self-evaluations, rules, and memories. A description of the new theoretical model is followed by a presentation of the corresponding applied model, which provides a template for conceptualizing a specific disorder and formulating a case. The focus on beliefs differentiates disorders and provides a target for treatment. A variety of interventions are described.
Beck, A.T., & Haigh, E.A.P. (2014) Advances in Cognitive Theory and Therapy: The Generic Cognitive Model. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, 10, 1, 1-24.