La Redazione di State of Mind consiglia la lettura di questo contenuto:
L’impatto psicologico di una dura disciplina verbale è molto simile all’uso della violenza con i figli. Uno studio della University of Pittsburgh su un periodo di 2 anni.
“From that we can infer that these results will last the same way that the effects of physical discipline do because the immediate-to-two-year effects of verbal discipline were about the same as for physical discipline,” Wang said. Based on the literature studying the effects of physical discipline, Wang and Kenny anticipate similar long-term results for adolescents subjected to harsh verbal discipline.
Yelling Doesn’t Help, May Harm Adolescents, Pitt-Led Study Finds | University of Pittsburgh NewsConsigliato dalla Redazione
PITTSBURGH—Most parents who yell at their adolescent children wouldn’t dream of physically punishing their teens. Yet their use of harsh verbal discipline—defined as shouting, cursing, or using insults—may be just as detrimental to the long-term well-being of adolescents. (…)
Tratto da: University of Pittsburgh - News Service
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