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Rumination as a Predictor of Problem Drinking

Di Gabriele Caselli

Pubblicato il 15 Set. 2011

Aggiornato il 25 Ott. 2011 16:01

Rumination is a coping strategy for controlling negative affect that is characterised by heightened self-focused attention involving persistent, recyclic, and depressive thinking (Lyubomirsky and Nolen-Hoeksema 1993)
Rumination is an important factor in the vulnerability processes leading to the occurrence of, and relapse into, dysphoriaand major depressive disorder (Nolen-Hoeksema and Morrow 1991; Lyubomirskyand Nolen-Hoeksema 1993)
The co-occurrence of alcohol use disorders and depressive symptoms has frequently been reported in problem drinking and psychiatric samples (Helzer and Pryzbeck1988; Petty 1992; Grant and Harford 1995)


Si parla di:
Gabriele Caselli
Gabriele Caselli

Direttore scientifico Gruppo Studi Cognitivi, Professore di Psicologia Clinica presso la Sigmund Freud University di Milano e Vienna

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