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Martens Rainer

Sport psychologist and physical education professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign



IDr. Rainer Martens n the early 1970s, Rainer Martens, sport psychologist and physical education professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, was studying the psychological aspects of youth sport.

Through his research and the pioneering work of the Coaching Association of Canada, Martens thought that a major way to improve amateur sport in the United States was to improve the education of coaches. So in 1976 he founded the American Coaching Effectiveness Program (ACEP), which later expanded into the American Sport Education Program (ASEP).

BOOKS: http://www.goodreads.com/author/list/222649.Rainer_Martens


Leadership negli Sport di Squadra #17 – Conclusione
Leadership negli Sport di Squadra - Il leader non è colui che sa comportarsi in un modo ma colui che sa comportarsi nel modo giusto al momento giusto.