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Goldstein Bonnie

Psychotherapist specializing in child, adolescent, family and group treatment.

Psychotherapist specializing in child, adolescent, family and group treatment.Dr.ssa Bonnie Goldstein

She is a Child and Adolescent Consultant for the Lifespan Learning Institute (Los Angeles) and is a practicing psychotherapist specializing in child, adolescent, family and group treatment. Dr. Goldstein isthe author of Understanding, Diagnosing and Treating Attention Deficit Disorder/HyperactivityDisorder in Children and Adolescents; The Handbook of Infant, Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy;A Guide to Diagnosis and Treatment, Volumes I & II; and A Text forChildren and Their Families; I Will Know What to Do: A Guide to Dealing with Trauma, and the Forthcoming Adolescent Dilemmas.

WEBSITE: http://www.drbonniegoldstein.com 

PROFILO: http://sowkweb.usc.edu/faculty/bonnie-goldstein


La Terapia Sensomotoria per i Bambini – Reportage dal Workshop
Terapia Sensomotoria: attenzione alla consapevolezza e ai movimenti corporei, seguire le sensazioni corporee collegandole ad emozioni e vissuti interni